• About

    Dr. TJ Redington, MD, MBA, FACP

    Leading Innovations in Healthcare Management

    Dr. TJ Redington has dedicated over two decades to transforming healthcare systems, focusing on integrating clinical excellence with sustainable business practices. As a pioneer in developing Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs), his strategies have consistently proven to enhance patient outcomes while optimizing healthcare costs.

    Consulting hours: 9am - 5 pm on Weekdays

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  • Areas of Expertise

    Dr. Redington's areas of expertise include:

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    Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs)

    Design and implementation of effective networks that improve care coordination and reduce unnecessary expenses.

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    Value-Based Care Models

    Transitioning systems from fee-for-service to fee-for-value to ensure high-quality, cost-effective care.
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    Healthcare Data Analytics

    Leveraging big data to drive decision-making, improve patient care, and enhance operational efficiency.
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    Risk Management in Healthcare

    Developing strategies that minimize financial risk while maximizing patient health outcomes.
  • Connect with Dr. TJ Redington

    Interested in transforming your healthcare organization? Let's discuss how we can achieve your goals together.